The Challenge
Many providers of emergency medical services struggle with procuring reliable, detailed map data for their computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems. Approximately 35% of all ambulance providers in the United States are run by a combination of private companies, non-profit organizations or hospitals that often lack access to the custom, locally-sourced GIS data available to governmental agencies. In the more rural areas of the country, the challenge is even greater since even governmental agencies lack quality, up-to-date map data for some of those regions.
While the largest EMS providers have the luxury of employing full-time GIS analysts to create and maintain their data sets to ensure critical information is accurate and accessible, in-house resources are not generally available to small- to mid-sized providers. The reality is that providers of any size, need and depend on map data to serve patients. The proliferation of government open data sites provides easier access to new agency-produced map data – which is a partial solution – but data sets often come with many limitations such as single city or county, and/or missing low-level essential details such as routing data.
For Code 3 Consulting, LLC, the question revolved around how to get reliable, affordable, regularly updated map data into the hands of the emergency service professionals who work for small- to mid-sized providers? The answer was forming a partnership with ADCi and using TomTom MultiNet.
The Solution
The first step in providing any emergency service is locating the citizen who needs help. Doing so quickly and efficiently requires quality map data with reliable geocoding information that is updated often. Ancillary location data such as exit numbers and points of interest can reduce delays in locating callers, especially those who may not be familiar with an area. For example, a caller in need may not know the name of the street they’re on but may be able to see a university, exit number or other landmark that a dispatcher can use to pinpoint the location.
TomTom MultiNet map data is available for both a provider’s home area and the surrounding cities/counties/states. This is particularly beneficial for ambulance providers since, unlike fire and police departments, they commonly leave their primary service areas when transporting patients to distant specialty hospitals or assisting other agencies with large-scale incidents.
Also, reliable routing data used within computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems assists dispatchers by providing recommendations for the most appropriate resource for an emergency scenario such as a call coming in for a patient complaining of chest pain. There are two ambulances in the area, one is six miles away from the scene and the other ambulance is four miles away. Thanks to the TomTom MultiNet map data in the CAD system, the dispatcher knows the ambulance that is six miles away has a route that is all interstate and the ambulance that is four miles away has a route that is all downtown city streets, making the first ambulance the faster and better choice.
With TomTom MultiNet and guidance from ADCi, Code 3 Consulting, LLC, can help small- to mid-sized emergency service providers successfully overcome the limitations brought about by a lack of accurate map data and easy access to it. Contact ADCi to learn how TomTom MultiNet can provide a comprehensive map data solution and competitive advantage for your business.
Code 3 Consulting
Code 3 Consulting provides custom GIS services to under-served small and mid-sized public safety agencies that lack the budget and workload to justify a full-time GIS analyst. Code 3 Consulting combines base data from ADCi with local sources to give these agencies access to quality, up to date maps and map data customized to their specific need and CAD system so they can manage their resources more effectively and best serve their communities and patients.
Headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, American Digital Cartography, Inc. (ADCi) has specialized in providing digital mapping products and services since 1988. ADCi is a leading authorized distributor of TomTom map data. ADCi has helped customers in every market successfully secure the correct data and license for their mapping application, including government, utilities, education, transportation, business, and Internet-based applications. ADC WorldMap, a division of ADCi, produces ADC WorldMap Digital Atlas, the most detailed digital atlas available, offering comprehensive, current, and seamless geographic data for the entire world.
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